What’s Trending in Media and Sport: Gig Economy

In the second of our eight part video series on trends across the media and sports sectors, Penny Hunt and Tom Mintern discuss the issues surrounding the gig economy and how they will continue to be a topic of discussion in 2018.


The gig economy has received a lot of attention recently and Penny and Tom discuss how they believe issues surrounding the gig economy will continue to be prevalent in 2018. Looking back on key cases from the last year, Penny and Tom explain that they expect some key decisions to be determined in the forthcoming year. Furthermore, how businesses treat their workers will really be in the spotlight with Penny and Tom particularly highlighting immigration and equal pay as hot topics.

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Click here to check out our other “What’s Trending in Media and Sport” videos.

Penny is a Legal Director in Bird & Bird's Employment Group, based in London. She has clients in a wide range of sectors including music, media, construction and information technology. Penny advises extensively on a wide range of issues, including senior executive terminations, redundancy exercises and complex disciplinary and grievance matters. Penny has significant experience of managing complex litigation in the Employment Tribunals defending employers against claims such as unfair dismissal, unlawful deductions from wages, discrimination and whistleblowing claims. She also acts for executives which informs her commercial and down to earth approach in advising her employer clients.


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