VIDEO: Event Report – Esports BAR in Cannes

Last week, Craig Giles (partner, London) and Will Deller (associate, London) headed to Cannes for the annual esports BAR conference. Check out this video to see what they got up to and how this industry continues to evolve.


The twice-annual conference brings together key stakeholders from across the esports industry for three days of meetings, seminars and networking. The video below sees Will and Craig explore some of the key themes of the conference, asking the attendees what their plans are for 2018 and what they’re looking out for in the coming months and beyond.

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This video features and was produced by Will Deller (Associate, London) and Craig Giles (Partner, London).

Will is an associate in our Media, Entertainment and Sports Group, based in London. Will's sports practice is focused on commercial/contractual matters, though he also has experience in advising on league structuring, rule drafting/interpretation and other regulatory issues. On the commercial side, he routinely advises on sponsorship and media rights, but in addition he advises clients on a range of other areas of law, including gambling regulation, advertising and consumer law. In his time at Bird & Bird, Will has gained experience in working across a number of different sports, and in recent years he has developed a particular focus on esports, where he has advised industry stakeholders on setting up new esports leagues, sponsorship, player contracts and a variety of other issues.

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